Tag Archives: runner

Ragnar Relay

15 Jul

Heard of it? Neither had I, until a friend ran it earlier this year and I pretty much watcher her progress via instagram. It’s a relay race, roughly 200 miles, 12 runners and 2 days, no stopping until the end. Sounds fun, exciting, tiring, terrifying and insane all the same time…

Well, I’m signed up for 2015.

That same friend has a team for next year ready to go, however one of the members had to drop out (honestly, I think they just came to their senses), so the spot was offered up to me. At first I was like “hell yeah I’ll do it” not really realizing the magnitude that is this race. But 3 legs of different mileage (my legs haven’t been assigned yet, so that’s gonna be awesome) over about 2 days doesn’t sound bad. I say that now, but come time to run, being all sleep deprived in a van with other runners might affect the mood a bit. Still, it looks like a pretty awesome experience regardless.

Ragnar Relay 2015: Miami to Key West